Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Boy Bands Are Back -- ALL RIGHT

Yes. Yes they are. JLS, runners up in X Factor (Britain's "American Idol") are incredibly popular here. And why wouldn't they be? They're gorgeous, talented, and British. Whoever decided boybands were "out" clearly did not realize the advantages of corralling the most attractive male singers and dancers in one place at one time. Sounds like a dream come true to me! Thank you, England, for having some common sense.

Except when it comes to leggings. Oh boy. Apparently leggings count as pants now, and yes, I have succumbed to wearing them as pants as well. In all reality, they shouldn't pass for pants, as they really are just thick tights, and I'm always incredibly self-conscious when I wear them in public. I check out my reflection in the store windows to make sure I don't look completely ridiculous, find out I do, then keep walking because everyone else looks as ridiculous as I do. England, someday you will look back on your poor fashion choices and laugh, but until then I will join you wholeheartedly in your legging conquest of the world seeing as leggings are possibly the most comfortable thing I could ever put on. Minimal clothing. Always a good choice.

Today I wore leggings as pants, but I also went to the Uni library for the first time with Sofia from Italy after our French class, and then headed to Brown Betty's in the city centre where we met a guy from Spain who spoke no English. So of course we talked to him in Spanish for over half an hour, which was SUBLIME. I love being able to communicate with people from other countries, albeit poorly. I've realized that while I may be able to translate Spanish like a fiend, without practice my speaking has become embarrassingly poor. Of course, as is always the case, after our conversation I was walking down the sidewalk thinking of all the Spanish phrases I should have been able to think of and use at the time. This probably resulted in me muttering to myself in Spanish in public and looking extra crazy in my legging/pants.

Shoot. In England, pants are called "trousers". "Pants" refer to undergarments. Well, I suppose leggings are closer to undergarments than trousers anyway...

All in all, life is good. Clearly. I'm chilling with people from Britain, Nigeria, Italy, France, and Spain. In one day. EXQUISITE. This is what life is about, people: boybands, minimal clothing, and spontaneous meetings (mainly the last point, but the first two as well ;)). Life is about people, it's about breaking out of our comfortable systems and communities and reaching out to people who we may never have met otherwise. If I hadn't started speaking Spanish to the guy next to me after recognizing his first language, I never would have had the experience of chatting with a native Spaniard in England. We've gotta take risks. We have to break out of those comfortable polite bubbles. Life isn't about solitude, it's about community. So get up out of your bubble and be communal, friends.

I love you all,

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