Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pancake Batter & Onion Baths

Sounds fascinating, right? Well, that's basically what ends up happening when you do dishes after cooking and serving pancakes, vegetable scrambled eggs, and fruit salad to 16 people. I have confirmed my notion that I will not be a housewife, nor will I have many children, for I find little to no pleasure in cooking for hoards of people.

Overall, though, it was a swell experience. We had many a mishap, but it was all made entertaining when Justin Timberlake's SexyBack started pumping through the laptop speakers. Three made plenty of company and the work light, so the giant task ended up a success :)

Now to recap the last 24 hours, I have to unfortunately relive some very dark moments of my life...

It all began with registration. Bile rises to my throat at the memory. I stood in three lines, for three departments, for four classes, for over four hours. My longest line went down a long hallway one way, down the stairs, and back up the stairs for TWO FLOORS. It was daunting to say the least...

Four hours later, I miraculously ended up with every class I needed to get into, and then some! YES PRAISE THE LORD.

Walking through hell and back certainly called for a shopping spree (originally for school supplies, but we ended up running out of time...). Abby, Aimee, and I found great clubbing dresses for £10, and decided we were ready to hit the town that night.

We had paid for tickets to Oceana, a club in downtown Nottingham, as part of Freshers Week. What we should've gathered from the title of the week, however, was that every single person there would be eighteen and obnoxious. Once again, we were juniors and seniors in college being treated like freshmen, and it was really more than we could bear. The hottest guy there was the guy manning the lights, and as he was off limits, we wound up leaving early, looking slightly ridiculous in our club gear riding the bus through our quaint neighborhood at eleven. Even the bus driver was laughing at us... what a way to cap off an incredibly awkward night... We hope to regain our confidence and then some in London ;)

Then today I woke up at 7:30 to get a shower and mentally prepare myself for, yep, CLASSES. Why they would start classes the day after the most painstaking registration process of my life was completely beyond me, but I obediently got dressed and headed to the bus stop.

Abby and I got to our class only to realize, after waiting for 20 minutes, that our class in fact did not start until next week, and that my Spanish seminar would also be postponed until after the 27th. Why they couldn't have told us this at registration is still something of a mystery to me, but I have learned to lift my chin and bear the rampid miscommunication with a smile.

On the way home from picking up our school supplies in the city centre, Abby and I heatedly shared our irritation with the world as it is, discussing the importance of both feminism and having a knowledge of politics before publicly attaching yourself to one party. I descended the stairs (double-decker buses are wonderful things, btw) saying something incredibly pointed and dramatic like, "If I'm not a feminist, who will be?" And then I fell. And dropped my bag of school supplies down the aisle. It was super classy, I assure you. Trying to hold back my embarrassed laughter, I picked up my bag and walked off the bus without making eye contact with the other passengers on the bus that day.

So to recap: Registration lines all the way to China, robbing the cradle, waking up to go to nonexistent classes, falling off a bus, and bathing in pancake batter and onion. Eventful, to say the least!

Hoping London will prove itself to be eventful as well, but in all the best ways possible :)

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