Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today, I Got Slammed in a Door

I kid you not. That's just how unbelievably classy I am when I go to campus BY MYSELF.

This year, I figured I would be able to make my way around campus quite simply because my classes are restricted to two buildings that are right next to each other: Portland and Trent.

What I failed to recognize, however, is that Trent is designed specifically for the purpose of making students go insane before swallowing them whole in its labyrinthine depths. I wandered around in snaking circles until I finally found the room for my second French seminar (by the way, it takes about 1.5 hours round trip to get to/from campus for a one hour class...)

After class, which was equally as unstructured and strange as the first French seminar I had participated in yesterday, I decided to follow a Brit down a different staircase, thinking he surely would lead me to an exit. Not true. Nope. I ended up wandering through the English department, back and forth, checking in offices hoping there would be an exit, or at least a hallway leading me closer to an exit. I put on my best "I SO know what I'm doing" face, trying to fool the many people congregated in the hallways. Just gonna guess that my game face was counteracted by my wandering through the same hallway several times in a period of five minutes...

I needed to make my way to Portland to buy a book for French, and so I followed the signs in Trent that pointed in that general direction (btw, in England, if a location is "straight ahead," the sign arrows face down, not up. Diagonal arrows indicate going downstairs, or upstairs, or around the corner. All very conveniently understandable, really...). Anyway, I end up wandering through a stuffy tunnel that twists and winds its way to Portland. I kept looking around corners suspiciously, hoping that I was in fact going to Portland and not China. I finally sighted someone ahead of me, which was comforting, so I followed him to the end of the tunnel.

That's when I got slammed in the door.

I tried my best to follow this guy through the door, and instead got my bag and right arm sandwiched between the two. I didn't look back, hoping that if anyone was behind me, my moving forward with confidence would eliminate how awkward it is to get sandwiched between two doors.

It doesn't, just so you know. STILL awkward.

I wandered to the bus stop that would take me directly to Canning Circus so I could catch the 77 to Bobbersmill Bridge to walk home. When I got on the bus, there were several seats open in the back, but I figured I'd just stand in the front because I didn't have a long way to go. Yeah. By the front, I mean the handicapped section. I was the only one standing on the bus, and by the time I started feeling kind of ridiculous, it was far too late to use one of the fold down seats next to me. I stubbornly stood my ground until my stop, and then got off like nobody's business.

Let's just say the past 3 hours have definitely put me past my awkward quota for the day.

Breakdancing and advanced street tonight, three classes tomorrow. Holla.

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